Wednesday 25 May 2016

Plot Development

Plot Development

Whilst producing my graphic novel, I will need to brainstorm and produce several key ideas that I’ll be able to use in order to make a unique graphic novel which will make perfect sense to my audience which are in this case, readers. There are a few key elements I’ll need to take into consideration. Under plot development, I will explain each element in detail to show my knowledge and understanding of each term.

Exposition is simply defined as the part of the story timeline where the settings (location) and characters are introduced. This is most commonly introduced at the beginning of the story however, it can happen further in the story. Exposition is a great code/convention as it helps the audience gain an understanding of the plot from the beginning, it also introduces the main characters in order for the audience to differentiate between the main characters and supporting acts. Within my story, the characters are introduced on a mainland bridge which is located in Japan.

Conflict is well known as the trouble or strain that happens to occur in three stages, it works closely with climax by creating suspense to the story. In my opinion, I’d say it's compulsory to have this element in your story and this is simply because it draws in the audience’s depending on the strength that the conflict holds in your story. The reason conflict is an important element is because it usually helps in creating a relationship with the audience and characters because of the terrible situation that may have taken place within the story. In my story, a nuclear bomb caused a human made earthquake which broke bridges causing cars to crash dramatically, this was my conflict in the story.

Rising of Action is a part of the story where the tension that was caused during the conflict is increased greatly, the situation is tense and things are almost getting out of control. The events that happen during rising of action generally lead to the climax. Rising of Action is important because stories need an increased tension after conflict to give a better understanding of why they're in trouble and also to describe how serious the conflict is, it's all based on exaggeration which puts the audience in their feelings. In my story, the family the story is based on is yanked out of their cars by "Nacho" which is the Japanese equivalent to CIA which is known by Central Intelligence Agency.

Climax is defined as many problems or one problem that can produce a high point in the story. In many stories you can see that the story is near to ending however, not in all stories. The climax is the highest point of all troubles, things are usually not able to get any worse. The reason climaxes are major keys are because you need a midpoint between things getting hectic and things getting better and this is precisely in the middle of both, this has been built-up from the beginning of the story where the conflict was taking place. In my story, the family are brought to a laboratory when they thought they were being saved by the police they were not quite being saved.

Resolution is commonly explained as the part of the story where the conflict has been solved and it often indicates what will happen in the ending however, in most cases the stories result with a happy ending after all the negativity that may have been happening through-out the whole story. The reason Resolution is an important element is because it usually shows the audience why all the negativity makes sense at the ending, by the resolution you should've understood the concept of the story. In my story, a Resolution wasn't including as I finished my comic on a cliff-hanger where the family break out of the human experiment tubes. My audiences will have to see the next comic in order to gather more knowledge of what happens further down the story.

Character Development

  • Genre
My comic story is based on a heroic family of four, who survived in a severe car crash. Luckily, they were able to stay alive with plenty of help by the government. Although, the story is based on a whole family, it is directed at three main characters which are; Marine-o (pronounced as məˈriːnˈəʊ) who also plays the father in this comic (Sylo), Reign - Real name known as Janet (Daugther) and Obsidian Mermaid (Mother).

  • Back Story
The parents of a family of four were given the opportunity to travel to Hiroshima, with the accepted decision of the father. The father who went by the name of Sylo was a professional engineer who was asked by the Japanese government to work on an extraction site for a few months, with the plans of extracting raw materials from the ground. However, during this time Japan were going through problems with other countries, United States in particular. Further down the line, the family moved to Japan and were happy with their lives until, one day they were driving along the dual carriage way and they saw a massive explosion from miles away, the family never thought much of the explosion until, they saw it coming towards them at unbelievable speeds. Cars flipped, windows smashed and airbags exploded. Amongst all the people who were dead at the scene, only a few survived including this specific family. Once they had enough energy, they all exited the car in complete fear.(The family consisted of only two children, son and daughter) The daughter was known as a shy person, she hardly spoke at family gatherings or took part in much activities however, when the car was upside down after the disaster she was the first person on the road to exit their car, the next 5-10 minutes following the father came out of the car shivering of fear. It was confirmed that it was a nuclear bomb that took place, scientists told us that when the nuclear bomb took place there were particles in the air which were proven poisonous, the daughter and father were the first to exit the car and they strongly believe that they inhaled the particles mentioned by the scientists. After being fully diagnosed, the scientists found out that the fathers bones grew stronger underwater and he was able to breathe underwater for up to 6 hours before returning to the surface, the government had plans of taking the daughter for experiments as she had a highly valuable power which included weather change to a degree, she was able to change the weather wherever she was, dependent on how she's feeling at the time.

Sylo (Father)

Character Tropes - This is the element of story that conveys great detail about a character however, they come in two parts.The father who went by the name of Sylo had a good height and a fit weight, he was able to adapt to swimming underwater for great lengths of time so his physical description is fairly understandable later in the story.

Role - This is defined as the part in which a character in a story plays, there are various roles that can be played in stories. For example; Mother, Father, Sister, Cousin, Friend, etc.
Sylo was a hero which also played the key roles as the father of the main family. Sylo isn't a natural born hero and it's only because of the codes and conventions, things that happened during the conflict made the father become a hero.

Motivation - Sylo has several reasons why he does what he does, going into deeper detail of what is mentioned in the backstory. Sylo nearly drowned in the sea after being grabbed by the current, this took place whilst his parents were relaxing on their sunbeds on shore. He helped himself by pushing himself towards a yacht he saw from a distance until, he was spotted by civilians and rescued.

Attitude - Sylo has an nonchalent attitude, he doesn't really care too much and he's very sure that all problems have been solved, the reason for this is that when he recognises the powers he has after the nuclear bomb he becomes more calm however, before he was very strict and less laid back. The bomb held a major effect on him.

Janet/Reign (Daughter) -
Character Tropes - Janet is the daughter, which is later on in the story known as Reign. She was a weakling from young and her brother taunted her regularly throughout their childhood but, never once did she fight back as she was abnormally skinny and she had back problems in her early teenage years, Janet couldn't stand on the spot for too long as she would start to bend as she was the tallest in her family from young. It appears that her body structure helps her further in the story for intense and severe weather conditions.

Role - As explained in the 'Role of Sylo', there are various types of roles that can be played in a story. However, Janet's role is important because although she is known as Sylo's daughter, you'd simply think the father always comes to save the day however, it's the completely in a reversed cycle. In this story, Janet plays the role of a hero and a victim, but it some-how all comes together.

Motivation - Janet has never had enough motivation and this has always been her major downfall however, when she's snatched by the government it seemed as if her heart grew and multiplied in size. Although she was in a car crash she still had 20/20 vision once she was out of the car, she saw her mother being manhandled by armed force whilst Janet herself was being thrown into the back of a top tech van. Ever since, Janet has been different from when she was younger and she has definitely grown a backbone.

Attitude - Janet has always been the strong but, quiet one. She has never been taunted to the point where she would have to use her strength until this incident. Janet has a very positive attitude along with positive energies however, when she turns into Reign it's completely a whole different story. She is so powerful to the point where it is extremely difficult for her to obtain and control herself so it becomes a gigantic disaster.

Friday 15 April 2016

Pro Log (Memory)


This is a PowerPoint Presentation based on my memory project by Kai Olusanya.


I thought of many things I could base on this particular project, Memory. I came up with some smart ideas and some pointless. Throughout the last few years, music videos have played a huge part within my hobbies so, i thought it would be a great idea to base my project on one of the biggest shows in Bristol. I planned on asking a friend, a famous rapper who goes by the name of 'Stormzy' to follow him around for the day filming his show vibes. The reason I thought this would be a unique idea because I would be able to create a series if I done this with a lot of artists who are well-developed and known within the music industry. Therefore, I went ahead with my thoughts and planned on creating something which would be low cost however, highly effective. I planned to rent out a super 16 camera from an old school friend I had grown up with, this will be the first time filming with one of these ancient cameras. I wanted to start by filming everything that was happening backstage however, I knew I had to be selective with clips I would use during the edit.


I made plans with my friend Jamal to borrow his Arriflex 16mm Movie Camera, he usually charges people during rental however, he gave me the camera to use free of charge. I chose to rent his camera for quite a long period of time, the dates were from January 23rd - February 2nd. I spent most of my time actually  getting the film produced and rescaled back down to 1080p after filming in 2K, this is what costed a lot of money as it was my first time being involved with such a camera. I arranged to follow Stormzy on tour to Bristol on January 26th and it was a long time period, we were working for almost 24 hours. When I was able to get the footage after 7 days, I started to edit it however, I came across many barricades on the road of success and I had to use the trial and error scheme to get through it. Later, I managed to produce a short video that goes by the name of 'BTS'.

Finally, I was able to publish a video based on the main topic 'memory'. There are people who are highly interested in the well-known artist 'Stormzy', he has a great fanbase built up of fans who listen to all genres of music he is an all rounder and definitely has success in his name. For this major reason, I was able to create a video which is based on a 'Day in the life of Stormzy', what makes this such a thrill is that he has never had such a personal behind the scenes where someone is literally following him throughout the whole day. With every production scheme, the producer always has a specific aim or a near enough precise image in their mind of where they'd like to take their next step or want their product to go.

Friday 5 February 2016

3D PRINTING Research


  •     Analyse the article - What is being said? What are the effects?
  •     Who is the target audience? How are they affected by the article/ text or image?     
  • Consider the constraints around the topic. What are the ethical issues affecting the audience? Are there any laws that have to be protected? Are there any codes of practice? (e.g. gaming laws/ terms and conditions, laws on what you can 3D print, Facebook terms and conditions)

How will 3D printing impact the future? (POSITIVE)

3D printing is a process, which involves the creation of three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file. It all starts by making the virtual design of your object that you would like to create through specific 3D Modelling computer programs that are based on CAD (Computer Aided Design). Several IT companies such as; Microsoft and Google have enabled their hardware systems to perform 3D scanning. It is known that in the near future smartphones will have integrated scanners. I want to speak about the effects caused by 3D Printing that will create a positive impact on the future and these are the cost reduction on products as 3D printing has become less expensive in three major world countries, in the future most of the population should have 3D printers in their homes which will reduce personal costs. When 3D printers are more familiar to people there
will be more jobs needed in the world as not everyone is able to operate the printer themselves. With regards to medical support and health, people will no longer need or have to depend on organ donors and rejection will not be a problem since the organs will be built using their own DNA. Manufacturing speed will increase dramatically due to the machines fast processing speed; it can make items from scratch in such a shortened period of time plus items manufactured are only limited by your imagination, products can be unlimitedly customized. As spoken about previously on health and medical support, Human Prosthetics can be made from silicone on a 3D printer, which may be highly expensive as of its rarity.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Task 1

Look at three different video artists -

Critically evaluate:

  • Who are they?
  • What work have they done?
  • How have they used the space?
  • Analyse their work and identify what message they are communicating? how have you interpreted their work vs how it is meant to be interpreted?
  • Who is the target audience? how do you know?


    Three contemporary video artists I have chosen for this task are:
    Bill Viola, Eija-Liisa Ahtila and Peggy Ahwesh. The reason I have chose these three to critically evaluate in particular is because I have heard of them in the past for their unique productions.

    Bill Viola is a contemporary video artist that was born in Queens, New York in the year 1951. Viola's artistic expression varies depending on sound, electronic and image technology in Modern day media. Viola has done a lot of work but is most known for his extreme use of slow motion, this is what stood out for him and it was simplicity at its finest. Bill worked on several video installations such as; Ocean without a Shore, The Quintet Series (which was put together by four separate videos), Reverse Television which was based on a 15 minute collection of people watching cameras as though they were televisions, this caused much more effect than the public thought it could ever have caused. In the 'Reverse Television' video installation, Bill was able to set up a video camera in the same position as a television in several different houses, this is how Bill used the space by getting a different person to sit in a chair in different living rooms whilst they done nothing but watch the camera record themselves, he done this and created a 15 minute montage of all the different people in different houses/rooms watching the camera as if they were televisions. I have analysed the work of the video artist Bill Viola and what i've come across is that he likes capturing human body and facial expressions, for example; in the Observance video project it contains footage of people with a wide age variety showing the their reactions to the September 11, 2001 (9/11)Terrorrist attacks, one by one and walking away in such disgust (walking to the back of the line), where as in real life people would just walk away. When i first viewed his work I interpreted it as him always being in point of view of the subject. Lastly, i'd like to speak about the target audience that Bill Viola attracts, which is a good question because what came to mind whilst analysing his work was the specific groups of people who feel inspired and attracted to/by his work and these groups are; the general public, artists (people who aspiring to be just like him and/or better) and foreign visiting people.

    Eija-Liisa Ahtila is a video artist and also a photographer, she was born in Hämeenlinna, Finland in 1959. Her first concept works were motivated by art philosophy, by a evaluation of art institutions. Athena has done a number of films that are well-known by the public, she created films such as; Where is where?, Love Is a Treasure, The Annunciation and many more. Most of her works were majorly focused on women going through disturbing/distressing experiences, most of the works display numbers of screens and position points of the story, at the same time. Athena films a number of shots around the subject, this may include the local surroundings she may be around or whatever may be in the subjects atmosphere. This creates a repetitive effect which is surely simple however, effective. She also uses the effect it in order to capture more in her shots. For example in the video installation that goes by the name of 'If 6 was 9', they are sitting at a table in a particular scene where, instead of the picture being three different 16mm shots, they have used it to capture the whole table and everyone sitting around it or however, it's made to look like that. I've managed to analyse Eija-Liisa's work and I am really inspired by it because it creates such an impact with the perfect timing subtitles that make you feel much more interacted with the video, this is such a major key. Not only do the subtitles make the video more interactive but, as said at the beginning, most of her work shows women that are going through distressing experiences it is made to overwhelm and flood the viewers senses, depending on the viewers intelligence it can cause confusion on the ability to understand the narrative thread and this is done in order to produce a strong impact. When I first started my research on Eija-Liisa Ahtila, i was confused because there was so much going on but, later, when I actually begun to understand what she was interpreting I started to understand most of her other video arts as she follows her own unique pattern of creating video installations. Lastly, including her target audience - I think her target audience is based on the female gender from teenagers to the elderly, the reason I thought this at an instance was because as stated through out my solution I explained what she interprets through out her video installations and it's based on female agonising experiences. However, this doesn't mean males were not interested (diversity).

    Peggy Ahwesh is an American filmmaker, born in 1954, Pennsylvania, United States. Peggy is well known as a video artist and was educated at Antioch College during the 70's.